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This Job Ad Template is used when you need to create a job posting for a senior-level position.
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A posting for a senior-level position will typically use a different format than a posting used for non-senior positions, with an emphasis on results and performance.
This job posting template can be used to advertise all positions at Director level and above. It is used by a Hiring Manager, a Hiring Manager's delegate, or HR, to advertise an open position.
Looking for a position at Director level or above means that you’re not just looking for someone that’s a “team player” or has great time management skills. This is a position that has great high levels of responsibility and even higher levels of decision-making authority.
You don’t want to mess up this hire. A senior position is expected to help grow junior positions and must be ready and reliable to mentor junior people. These are reasons why the standard job ad template must differentiate from the job ad template for a senior position.
ConnectsUs provides 3 flavors of job posting templates:
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The Job Posting - Senior Position can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Opening & Advertising a Position Kit for Managers ,which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits.
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