"... We had a menu of everything we could possibly need to quickly create HR best practices. The toolkit helped me understand what every small business should have in place."
Big time HR for Small Business & HR Consultants
As a small business, we know you love your people. It's the HR part that can make some of us itchy. For many small businesses, HR is an acronym for Hairy Role. Expensive, complicated, and time-consuming.
We're in business to change that perception with our professional-grade HR toolkits that jump start or enhance HR for small business, or HR Consultants with small business clients.
How We Roll
- You think critically.
- You do what you say.
- You say what you mean.
- You get it over the finish line.
- You‘re smart.
- You say when you don’t know something.
- You‘ve proven that you can work remotely.
- When you make a mistake, you own it. Then you fix it.
- You laugh. A lot. Preferably out loud.
- You‘re genuine. Dogs like you. Kids like you.
- Status quo bugs you.