“…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”
Team Connects Us
It takes a village to do what we do. Writers, instructional designers, HR consultants, web developers, and customer support staff.
Meet the ConnectsUs core team.
Ariane Laird
CEO & Founder
My formal job titles are Founder, Leader, CEO, COO, HR Consultant, Product Manager. But I'm essentially a jack of all trades. More
Professional Side | Informal Side
Sarah Visca
Operations Manager
My favourite phrase is “Show, don’t tell”. Talk is cheap, so let’s get it done! I'm all about efficiency, structure, and clarity and I use these traits (some may call them quirks) to provide stellar customer, product, and marketing support.
Professional Side | Informal Side
Melina Laird
Website & Customer Support
I take care of updating the website, newsletters, administration, IT, customer support, and partner programs. If you email or call us, chances are you'll reach me!
Bradley Higham
I do marketing planning, strategy and execution. I'm also a man of very few words.
Professional Side | Informal Side
Crysta Liew
Director, HR Programs
I love anything HR. The legislation, the best practices, reading and learning about best practices. Which makes me the perfect person for what I do which is essentially creating, improving and updating our products and liaising with legal partners and customers.
Professional Side | Informal Side
Jo Payne
Product Manager
I'm all about product: creating and improving documents and the resource center content and flow. Which is a fancy way of saying that I do A LOT of writing! I work on graphics, video tutorials, web copy, website administration. I'm also the language/styles and formatting police.
Professional Side | Informal Side
Andrea Levin
Product Manager
Short and sweet: I manage the technical website development crew. I debate with Ariane about font size. I'm the system architect and most days, the Head of the Complaints Department
Professional Side | Informal Side
Sue Robinson
Customer Relations Manager
I'm known as the Hub of ConnectsUs. If you want to know what's going on, I'm your go-to. I provide customer support, website maintenance support, admin and operations support. Everyone knows that I'm the brains behind this joint and that ConnectsUs wouldn't survive without me. :)
Professional Side | Informal Side
Peter Fisera (Fish)
I'm the main crew guy that Andrea manages. And I've been with ConnectsUs since 2006. Lots of fun - and lots of changes. I'm the guy who tracks down bugs and glitches (not that they happen often!) Oh, and since we all work virtually, no one knows what I look like!