Jo - The Informal Side

Q:  4 words people use to describe you? 

A:  brilliant  |  awesome  |  fabulous  |  modest

Q:  You're teaching a self-improvement course. What is it?

A:  How to Shop for Shoes Without Going Broke (we’re talking ‘Advanced’ level here, not 101)

Q:  You're taking a self-improvement course.  What is it?

A:  How to Stop Buying Shoes You Probably Don’t Need and Definitely Can’t Afford  

Q:  Alternate career?

A:  Psychologist, Travel Writer (Paris-based, of course), Shoe Buyer at Barneys New York

Q:  Pet peeves?

A:  Clutter, discourteousness, pretension, grey rainy days, garlic

Q:  Favorite quote?

A:  People who read the tabloids deserve to be lied to.  Jerry Seinfeld

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  • “…We were constantly “reinventing” the wheel when it came to establishing even the most basic administrative policies, procedures and templates (we were constantly “borrowing” examples from our sister organizations).  Your product provides us with virtually everything we were looking for in one nice, neat customizable package.”

    Brenda Taillefer | Executive Assistant, Athabasca Watershed Council
  • "...Easy to use and cost-effective.  ConnectsUs HR toolkits has all the tools I need for developing my HR policies and procedures, and company information."

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  • "Rather than wasting countless hours reinventing the wheel, a lot of the leg work is done for you. Worth checking out. A real help if you need to get HR best practices in place in a short amount of time."

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    Carol Hama | Director, Professional Development & Services, HRMA - British Columbia Human Resources Management Association
  • I just wanted to write to say that ConnectsUs HR™ for Consultants is truly a gift. I've been searching for this type of support with other service providers with no luck. The templates and Resource Center you have created are so helpful, and provide a comprehensive menu of topics, best practices and well-written content that would have taken months to create from scratch. In most cases, my clients don't want to wait long to see results. I am very thankful to have found your product that makes me look so good!

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    Stacey Messner | Principle Consultant |