"...My partner and I will be forever grateful to ConnectsUs HR toolkits for helping us get our personnel back on track with clear policies and procedures. Getting on board with the product was a piece of cake..."
Jo - The Informal Side
Q: 4 words people use to describe you?
A: brilliant | awesome | fabulous | modest
Q: You're teaching a self-improvement course. What is it?
A: How to Shop for Shoes Without Going Broke (we’re talking ‘Advanced’ level here, not 101)
Q: You're taking a self-improvement course. What is it?
A: How to Stop Buying Shoes You Probably Don’t Need and Definitely Can’t Afford
Q: Alternate career?
A: Psychologist, Travel Writer (Paris-based, of course), Shoe Buyer at Barneys New York
Q: Pet peeves?
A: Clutter, discourteousness, pretension, grey rainy days, garlic
Q: Favorite quote?
A: People who read the tabloids deserve to be lied to. Jerry Seinfeld