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Take the yawn out of conducting interviews. Download this list of 260 original or standard interview questions to ask candidates during an interview.
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This Interview Questions template is used to provide you and your hiring managers with a list of 260 interview questions to ask candidates who have applied for an open position to eliminate having to start with a blank page when creating interview questions. It provides a consistent menu of well-written questions suitable for use in your company and industry and helps achieve consistency in the type and quality of questions asked.
It provides example interview questions that HR, Managers, and all staff involved in the recruiting and hiring process can use to prepare questions for Phone, Round 1, or Round 2 interviews.
Once this ConnectsUs document has been modified for your company, the Hiring Manager or ‘chair’ of the interviewing process reviews the list and selects appropriate interview questions to ask for each round of interviews.
Providing your staff with a menu of example interview questions to ask is recommended.
If you don't provide your managers or staff who conduct interviews with a menu of possible interview questions to ask, you risk:
Interviews are only as good as the interview questions you ask the candidate. It's the difference between you (or your candidate) falling asleep at the table or creating an atmosphere for a lively discussion so you can get the 'real' out of the person you're interviewing.
Stir it up a bit and include some funny interview questions or interesting interview questions. creative with the interview questions you ask. Throw in an unexpected curve ball and ditch those common interview questions.
You can easily create your own category of interview questions. For example, if you're a software company, you'll create a standard set of software testing interview questions.
The list includes the following type of interview questions to ask organized by interview question categories and competencies:
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List of Interview Questions to Ask
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The Interview Questions can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Interviewing Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Hiring Process Kits.
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Interview Questions to Ask