Interview Schedule Form Template

Interview Schedule Form Template

Because it's probably best not to lose track of prospective employees

Interview Schedule Form

This Interview Schedule Form template provides your administrative staff with a standardized process for scheduling interviews. It fosters organization and efficiency during the interview process to create a clear schedule of interviews as well as a list of participants. 



This Interview Schedule Form Template standardizes administrative interviewing tasks in order to ensure consistency and quality for your business. It helps your staff keep tack of management interview questions and much more!

Scheduling interviews efficiently saves time and promotes positive experiences for both your hiring team and candidates. Using this Interview Schedule form can help to reduce time spent on administrative tasks during the hiring process.

Scheduling interviews before, during and after hiring managers start receiving applications can be messy and calls for some serious organization! The hiring process can be overwhelming for hiring managers. Provide your staff with the tools to organize and create a structured process to help your company hire top talent.

How is the Interview Schedule Form used?

This template is used to standardize the administrative tasks associated with interviewing. It provides support for the Hiring Manager and ensures that consistent information is collected and communicated to interview panel members and interview candidates.  It also creates a historical record of the interview process and can be re-used and modified when preparing schedules for similar positions instead of starting from a blank page every time. 

Once customized for your company, it's intended to be used by staff members who are supporting the Hiring Manager with administrative tasks related to interviewing. It is also designed to facilitate communication with interview panel members and interview candidates.

Why use the Interview Schedule Form?

  • Standardizes the administrative tasks associated with interviewing
  • Provides support for the Hiring Manager
  • Ensures that consistent information is collected and communicated to interview panel members and interview candidates
  • Creates a historical record of the interview process
  • Can be re-used and modified when preparing schedules for similar positions instead of starting from a blank page every time

What you risk by not using the Interview Schedule Form?

  • Administrative staff have to guess what information is needed by whom
  • Everyone starts with them own blank page and there's no consistency
  • No record of who was interviewed by whom for a position
  • Miscommunication or scheduling errors

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue link below.

Interview Schedule Form

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Interview Schedule Form can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Interviewing Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits.


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