Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing

Complete How to Guide for Staff - Interviewing

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Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing

This Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing template is used to give your staff clear guidance on who does what in the interviewing process.  It gives staff a reference to follow instead of having to ask you. 

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This Process Guide for Interviewing ties together the Who, What, When, Where, and Why of your interviewing process. It tells staff in each role what’s expected of them, what to do when, how to do it, and what tools to use. It makes them accountable, and eliminates the excuse, “I didn’t know I was supposed to do that.”

The point of the interviewing process is to answer these three questions about candidates:

  1. Can they do the job?
  2. Will they do the job?
  3. Can you work with them?

While it sounds easy, there are several steps involved to do it right. During the interviewing process, you want to be sure to treat applicants like customers. Their experience with you will make a lasting impression that they’ll remember and share with others.

The guide is used by HR, managers, and staff involved in the recruiting process to outline the step-by-step process for interviewing, clarify who is responsible for each step, and provide point-and-click access to the documents needed for each step.

The Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing references all the ConnectsUs documents related to interviewing, and gives you the option to link them directly to the guide so your staff can open the documents while reading about them. Linking to documents right from the guide eliminates questions like:

  • What documents do I need?
  • When am I supposed to use them? 
  • How do I use them?
  • Where do I find them?
  • Is this the latest version?

Why use the Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing?

  • Your staff have clear guidance on who does what in the interviewing process
  • It gives staff a reference to follow instead of having to ask you

What you risk by not using the Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing?

  • Important steps are missed or done in the wrong order
  • Staff can make assumptions and take shortcuts
  • Your company is exposed to risks associated with non-compliance to employment legislation

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue file names below

Process Guide for Staff - Interviewing

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Which HR kit is it included in?

This Process Guide for Managers is used with the Interviewing Kit, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits..


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