Second Interview Questions

Second Interview Questions

The questionnaire for round 2
interview preparation

Q & A Style Panel Interview Questionnaire

A second interview questions template with an accompanying instructions document for Hiring Managers that will help them create a question and answer (Q & A) style interview questionnaire with second interview questions for candidates who have either already been phone interviewed or have already attended a Round 1 interview. 

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This interview template provides your staff with a standardized process for conducting interviews and rating interview candidates. It also provides them with a suggested interview script and example second interview questions, which they can modify to suit the position requirements.

This template was designed to be used:

  • During Round 1 or Round 2 interviews, to further shortlist finalist candidates
  • After interviews after been conducted, to record candidate summary information in the Applicant Tracking Excel Spreadsheet Template so that it can be compared with other candidates

Once this interview template has been modified for your company, it will be used by:

  • Hiring Managers, who will create a new interview template and second interview questions for each round of interviews conducted
  • Interview panel members, who will use the interview template during interviews to record their notes
  • Hiring Managers to copy their second interview questions from the List of Interview Questions to Ask and past them into this interview template.  

Why use it

Implementing an interview template that includes second interview questions is an important HR fundamental.

During the interview process, it’s critical that thoughtful preparation goes into the second interview questions asked and who asks them. This interview template:

  • Provides administration process and guidelines, ensuring consistent use of best practices when interviewing
  • Ensures that second interview questions are tailored to the success traits required for the position
  • Ensures that every candidate during a preliminary phone interview or second interview is asked the same interview questions for comparison purposes

What you risk by not using it

  • Interviews may be unorganized
  • Interviews will be conducted inconsistently between Managers
  • You may waste the time of candidates and the interview panel members by conducting second interviews that are not well-designed to assess the likelihood of success of one candidate over another

Tips for second interviews

  • Depending on your industry and industry culture, it may be acceptable for interview panelists to type their comments directly into the interview template using a laptop or other mobile device. These completed interview forms can then be easily forwarded to HR for filing once the position is closed. 
  • Schedule no less than 30 minutes for phone interviews, 1 hour for Round 1 in-person interviews and 1.5 hours for Round 2. If the time you reserve is too short, you will not be able to vet the candidate and allow enough time for second interview questions.

  • It is recommended that you limit second interview questions to no more than 10 for each round of in-person interviews, with additional time allotted for follow-up and probing questions.

  • Refer to additional general HR tips outlined in the Interviewing Guide.

  • Typically, Round 1 in-person interviews are conducted with a larger pool of candidates who were shortlisted through the telephone interviewing process.  Interview questions will typically be more general.

  • Round 2 in-person interviews (and sometimes Round 3) are conducted to determine the finalist. Second interview questions should be more specific and geared towards really getting to know the candidate. The interview template can be used for any round of in-person interviews, but the second interview questions should be different for each round after the phone interview because candidates who proceed to the next round of interviews should not be asked the same questions.

Can I preview it?

You bet.  
Click on the blue text link(s) below

Second Interview Questions Template  |  Accompanying Instructions for Managers

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Which HR kit is it included in?

This Second Interview Questions Template or Form can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Interviewing Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Hiring Process Kits.


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Second Interview Questions Template



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