Presentation-Style Panel Interview Questionnaire

Presentation-Style Panel Interview Questionnaire

Create a Questionnaire Where Candidates Make a Presentation to the Panel

Presentation-Style Panel Interview Questionnaire

This document is a questionnaire template that will help your company create a presentation-style Interview Questionnaire for Round 1 or Round 2 interviews.  A presentation-style interview is one in which the candidate is asked to make a presentation to the interview panel.

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This presentation style panel interview questionnaire template is used during Round 2 (or later) interviews to further shortlist finalist candidates - typically for senior positions.  It also is used to rate a candidate's presentation against criteria sent in advance to the candidate, and to conduct and rate a consistent follow-up Q& A session.

Implementing a process and questionnaire to accommodate presentation-style interviews is a recommended best practice when interviewing senior candidates. 

Why use the Presentation Style Panel Interview Questionnaire? 

  • Tests the candidate’s ability to present in front of a small audience, build relationships, and influence.
  • Tests the candidate’s communication style and ability to be succinct.
  • Allows you to see first-hand how the candidate performs under pressure.
  • Reflects the effort the candidate has put into preparation, which is a good indicator of the individual’s approach to assignments.

  Find out more about the advantages of presentation-style interviews in the following ConnectsUs HR article.  

10 good reasons to ask candidates to make an interview presentation
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What you risk by not using the Presentation Style Panel Interview Questionnaire? 

  • You miss out on the opportunity to further vet the skills of a senior candidate and see their skills in action
  • Your candidate may be a pro at self-promotion having practiced the answers to standard interviewing methods through serial interviews or by reading interviewing advice readily available on the internet.  An interview presentation requires a creative effort and there's less chance that a candidate's skills, poise and communication will be misrepresented.  

Tips for using the Presentation Style Panel Interview Questionnaire

  • Depending on your industry and industry culture, it may be acceptable for interview panelists to type their comments directly into the interview questionnaire using a laptop or other mobile device. These forms can then be easily forwarded to HR for filing once the position is closed. 
  • Schedule no less than 1 hour for Round 1 interviews and 1.5 hours for Round 2. If the time you reserve is too short, you will not be able to vet the candidate and allow enough time for candidate questions.

  • It is recommended that you limit interview questions to no more than 10 for each round of interviews, with additional time allotted for follow-up and probing questions.

  • See additional general HR tips outlined in the Interviewing Guide.

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Presentation Style Panel Interview Questionnaire  |  Accompanying Instructions Managers

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Presentation Style Panel Interview Questionnaire can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Interviewing Kit for Managers,which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits.


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