Brochure for Interviewed Candidates Template

Brochure for Interviewed Candidates Template

Market Your Company as a Great Place to Work to Attract Top Talent

Brochure for Interviewed Candidates

This Brochure for Interviewed Candidates template is used to help you to create a brochure that markets your company as a great place to work.  It summarizes the benefits of working in your company, and helps to attract top talent.

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This template is used to help candidates understand upfront what to expect if they are offered a position in your company.  It includes the benefits and perks of working at your company. 

Why use the Brochure for Interviewed Candidates template?

It helps candidates understand upfront:

  • What to expect if they are offered a position in your company
  • The benefits and perks of working at your company

What you risk by not using the Brochure for Interviewed Candidates template?

  • Strong candidates may not have a clear picture of all the benefits of working at your company

  • The candidate you hope to hire may accept a position elsewhere because the other company looked like it had a better package to offer than yours did

Tips for using the Brochure for Interviewed Candidates template

  • Companies spend a lot of time and effort marketing their products and services.  When you meet with a prospective customer, it is customary to leave them with a brochure or other persuasive collateral describing your products or services. It’s equally important to market your company as an attractive employer for prospective staff. 
  • If you have the budget, it’s also a nice gesture to provide candidates with a small gift or swag to show your appreciation for their efforts to come in and meet with you - just as you might do with a prospective customer. After all, the candidate took time out of their schedule and likely paid for parking and gas to speak with you about filling your open position! 

Small business HR tips  

If your company has a merit-based, results-oriented culture, you may want to consider the following: 

  • Ensure that your brochure is crystal-clear about your company environment and speaks to high performers. If your culture focuses on rewarding ‘A’ players and performers, emphasize it. This clarity will be attractive to high performers and will filter out individuals who are uncomfortable working in a meritocracy.
  • Provide examples of the type of individuals who are regularly rewarded. What is it about them and their actions that results in their additional rewards? 

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue link below.

Brochure for Interviewed Candidates

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Brochure for Interviewed Candidates can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Interviewing Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits.


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