Salary Increase Decline Letter Script

How to Let an Employee Know There Salary Increase has been Declined

Make it Easier on Your Managers with this Modifiable Letter/Script When a Compensation Increase Has Been Declined

Salary Increase Decline Letter Script

This document is a letter script template used to deny or postpone a salary increase.

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue link below.

Salary Increase Decline Letter Script

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How is the Salary Increase Decline Letter Script used?

This template is used to ensure that a consistent process and language is used when responding to salary increase requests. It ensures that the request and response are documented and filed with HR in the employee’s file. 

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Salary Increase Decline Letter Script can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Compensation Kit.


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