Staffing Costs Calculation Spreadsheet

How do I Record the Costs Related to Staffing?

A Staffing Costs Calculation Spreadsheet with Pre-Populated Columns and Formulas

Staffing Costs Calculation Spreadsheet

This document is a template spreadsheet that will help your company record, calculate, and report on all staff-related costs.

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Staffing Costs Calculation Spreadsheet  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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How is the Staffing Costs Calculation Spreadsheet used?

This template is used to help your company to record, calculate, and report on all staff-related costs. It may be used to analyze and report on costs by category – by percentages and actual $ value, to report on year-over-year comparison purposes and to calculate and report on total staffing costs for the company

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Staffing Costs Calculation Spreadsheet can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Compensation Kit.


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