Request & Justification for Compensation Adjustment Form

Request & Justify a Raise in Pay for Staff

how to propose and Justify a Compensation Adjustment

Request & Justification for Compensation Adjustment Form

A form that will help HR propose and quantifiably justify a compensation adjustment for a staff member.

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Request & Justification for Compensation Adjustment Form  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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How is the Request & Justification for Compensation Adjustment Form used?

This template is used to propose and quantifiably justify a compensation adjustment for a staff member in your company. It may be used for supporting or opposing a request for compensation change outside of the normal compensation review period or for recommending a temporary or on-going salary increase/decrease, acting pay, an ad hoc bonus, or red-circling.

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Request & Justification for Compensation Adjustment Form can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Compensation Kit.


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