Employee Data Spreadsheet Example

Employee Data Spreadsheet Example - HRIS in Excel Format

One-stop shopping for all your employee information.

Employee Data Spreadsheet

This Employee Data Spreadsheet (EDS) template is an HRIS created in Excel format used to manage and report on employee data. Think of it as one-stop shopping for all your employee information and a simple HRIS in Excel spreadsheet format.

Use the New Hire Data Collection Form  to collect employee information. 

Also known as  HRIS. H.R.I.S., HRIS template, HR Information system, Excel HRIS, employee database, workforce data, HRIS spreadsheet. 


What is an Employee Data Spreadsheet? (HRIS in Excel spreadsheet)

The Employee Data Spreadsheet (EDS) centralizes employee data and mimics an HRIS. H.R.I.S., HR Information system, Excel HRIS, employee database, workforce data, or HRIS spreadsheet. .

The EDS includes pre-defined column headings to easily document employee personal and contact data such as name, phone number, DOB, personal email address, medical conditions, address and emergency contact information.

For inclusion and diversity reporting purposes, this EDS also includes fields for:

  • Preferred pronouns;
  • Gender identity;
  • Racial/ethnic identity; and
  • Person living with a disability. 

Work-related information collected in the spreadsheet includes but is not limited to the following: staff number, employee position, hire date, department, position status, salary, job type, and annual vacation days.

This example template helps you to maintain employee information using Excel with pre-defined column headings. Instead of starting in an empty worksheet, it's as simple as typing over the information in the example worksheet.

What's included in the Employee Data Spreadsheet?

This workbook contains 3 worksheets:

  • Example template

  • Drop-down list ranges 
  • Employee numbers worksheet

The Employee Data Spreadsheet is accompanied with instructions for staff which include step-by-step instructions on how to fill in the spreadsheet and use the drop-down list options. 

Why use and HRIS or Employee Data Spreadsheet?

It is a simple way to create an HRIS. H.R.I.S., HR Information system, Excel HRIS, employee database, workforce data, or HRIS spreadsheet. Once you understand the data you wish to collect, you can upgrade to new cloud technology to manage your employee data. 

This template is of major importance because:

  • It is often frustrating to visit an employee file to figure out what happened during the employment history, and often the information is missing or misfiled. This spreadsheet ensures that there’s an entry for each important employee change that is referenced with a date. You want to have all employee data in one document to reduce the amount of time you spend on searching for the information.
  • You may need to reach employees at home and/or their emergency contacts in the case of an emergency (office closure due to inclement weather, etc.)
  • Payroll needs employee information to add employees to the payroll system.
  • You collect information that enables you to create reports for diversity and inclusion reporting.
  • You need to analyze and report on employee data such as the reason for changes, headcount, turnover, the total value of cash compensation (base salaries and variable compensation), and the frequency of changes in the workforce, etc. 
  • You may need to track demographics depending on your jurisdiction; i.e., age, sex, race, of your workforce.

Similar HR Templates

The Employee Data Spreadsheet is used in conjunction with:

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Employee Data Spreadsheet  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Employee Data Spreadsheet can be used with the New Hire Data Collection Form template, as part of the HR Administration Kit.




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