free Timesheet Template

Download a free Timesheet Template

Easily record & approve employee attendance & absences

Timesheet Master Templates

This free sample Timesheet Master Template workbook includes weekly, bi-weekly and monthly masterfile timesheets delivered in spreadsheet format. These timesheet templates can be used for recording and approving employee hours, attendance and absences for payroll, as well as allocating hours to projects for costing purposes.



A timesheet is typically used to keep track of how hours are spent on a job by itemizing services provided or project tasks completed. For small businesses, timesheet templates are an ideal option for tracking employee hours and calculating payroll. These templates for weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly pay periods are reusable, professionally designed and fully customizable.

What's included in the Timesheet Master Templates?

This workbook contains 3 worksheets representing 3 different types of timesheet and period lengths:

  • Monthly
  • Bi-weekly
  • Weekly

The Timesheet Master Templates are accompanied with instructions for staff which include step-by-step instructions on how to fill in the template and work with the formulas that automate several calculations. 

How to use Timesheet Master Templates?

These timesheet templates can be used for:

  • Recording and approving employee hours, attendance and absences for payroll.
  • Allocating hours to projects for costing purposes.

Why use Timesheet Master Templates?

Keeping track of employee hours is a necessary part of any job, even if you’re self-employed and only calculating your billable hours. But besides getting paid, there is additional value in tracking how you spend your time. Using timesheets can help your business in the following ways:

  • Maintaining Precise Records: Both employers and employees need accurate records so they can issue the correct payment and balance budgets. Filling out timesheets daily - or even hourly - to track specific tasks can help calculate work hours correctly.
  • Tracking Employee Engagement: By tracking attendance or how workers spend their time at a job, employers can get a sense of how employees are performing. This type of insight can help you identify problem areas and address any issues that may be hindering efficiency.
  • Planning and Providing Accurate Quotes: Knowing how long certain tasks take can help you plan for future jobs. It can also increase contractors’ confidence about the quotes they send potential clients. Keeping detailed accounts of how much time you spend on a project can help in forecasting realistic timelines for similar projects in the future.
  • Resolving Disputes: Timesheets provide documentation that can be used to help resolve conflicts, misunderstandings, or even legal actions related to hours worked and payment received. 

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Timesheet Master Templates  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Timesheet Master Template can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the HR Administration Kit.




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