Employment Confirmation Letter Script Template

Employment Confirmation Letter Script Template

confirm a staff member's employment with your company

Employment Confirmation Letter Script

A letter script used to confirm a staff member's employment with your company. 

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue link below.

Employment Confirmation Letter Script

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How is the Employment Confirmation Letter Script used?

This templated is used to confirm a staff member's employment with your company. 

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Employment Confirmation Letter Script can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the HR Administration Kit.


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  • “…What a great product! I cannot emphasize enough how delighted I am with it…Your work is thorough, detailed, comprehensive, thought provoking, well laid out, easy to work with, professional, and great value. Thank you and compliments on a job very well done.”

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  • "... much-needed and well thought out. We recommend the products to our clients who have a need to cut through the complexities of managing their employees. It’s easy to use and provides immediate value.”

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