Download a free Absence & Overtime Approval Form

Download a free Absence & Overtime Approval Form

Approving employee absences & overtime has never been easier!

Absence & Overtime Approval Form

This free sample Absence & Overtime Approval Form is a template used to create a standard masterfile form that will be used in your company for approving employee absences and overtime in advance.




The Absence & Overtime Approval Form is a template that formally records when an employee asks for time off. It records the absence as either paid time off for reasons such as vacation, training, scheduled medical leave, or unpaid time off for reasons such as jury duty or a leave of absence. The form also records how a manager responds to this request with either an approval or denial of the employee’s requested dates of absence. Allowing your employees to take time off from their work duties is important and enables them to come back to work refreshed and ready to continue contributing to your company and its success. Having a structured and clear process to document this for your company is even more important. 


Employees who anticipate the need for overtime to complete work assignments must notify their employer in advance and obtain approval prior to working hours that extend beyond their normal work schedule. For most companies, it's customary that overtime will not be recognized – under any circumstances – unless an overtime approval form is submitted prior to working additional hours.

How the Absence & Overtime Approval Form is used?

The customizer (typically someone responsible for HR), modifies this ConnectsUs HR template to create a document for your company, where the end user(s) of the document will be as follows:

  • Employees fill out the form to request approval for absences and overtime.
  • Managers approve and sign the completed form.
  • HR and Payroll are the final recipients of the signed form and use it to to file in the employee file, and record absences and pay overtime.

Why use an Absence & Overtime Approval Form template?

Implementing a standard master file form for your company's process of approving employee absences and overtime allows your company to:

  • Request authorization for absences in advance.
  • Request authorization and justifying the need for overtime.
  • Enable managers to make plans to cover staffing gaps.
  • Record absences so that accrured time off, such as vacation, is reduced. 

What you risk not using a Absence & Overtime Approval Form?

  •  A lax system that doesn't record absences and overtime creates an opportunity for wage theft. 

  • If your employees are entitled to overtime payments, you have to pay up, whether the overtime was authorized or not.  Having a policy clearly outlining that overtime must be pre-approved prior to working the overtime and providing a form for pre-approval, ensures that employees must justify their reasons for working overtime. 

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Absence & Overtime Approval Form  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Absence & Overtime Approval Form can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the HR Administration Kit.



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