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This Reference Check Form will become the master version of a form template and script. Once customized for your company, it will be used by HR, Hiring Manager, or any staff involved in checking references for prospective candidates.
This Reference Check Form template is used to verify the accuracy of information gathered about a candidate throughout the interviewing process. It's important to be well-prepared for a reference check interview. You will only have a few minutes with the reference check provider and his or her input will likely influence your decision to hire the candidate or not.
While conducting the reference check interview, you will be representing the company so it's important to be well-prepared, professional, and leave a good impression.
The purpose of this template is to take the time to prepare a strong list of questions that cut to the heart of what you want to know. Using the same list of questions for every reference check interview will make it easier to compare responses from reference providers and note consistencies or inconsistencies.
During the reference check interview, it’s critical that thoughtful preparation goes into the questions asked. Using a form template:
If your company has a merit-based, results-oriented culture, you may want to consider the following:
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The Reference Check Form can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Checking References & Hiring Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits.
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