Reference Check Questions

List of Questions to Check Candidates References

Comprehensive list of 150 Questions for conducting reference checks

Reference Check Questions

This Reference Check Questions template includes a comprehensive list of 150 sample questions for use in conducting reference checks. Once customized, this list of sample questions will be used by HR, managers, and any staff member involved in checking references, to help them avoid ‘blank-page syndrome’ when preparing for a reference check.

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How is the Reference Check Questions used?

This template is used so reference checkers don't have to start with a blank page when creating questions.  It also provides a consistent menu of well-written questions suitable for use in your company and industry and helps achieve consistency in the type and quality of questions asked.

Why use the Reference Check Questions?

  • Avoids reference checkers having to start with a blank page when creating questions
  • Providing a consistent menu of well-written questions suitable for use in your company and industry helps achieve consistency in the type and quality of questions asked.

What you risk by not using the Reference Check Questions?

  • Inappropriate or non-discerning questions may be asked, so that at the end of the reference checking process, you don't have the information needed to make a decision

  • Wasted time re-creating the same list over and over

  • Lost knowledge and expertise gained from your more experienced interviewers

Small Business HR Tips for Reference Check Questions

  • If you want to ask bold or direct reference check questions to ensure you are hiring a high-performer who will fit into your culture, you will first need to establish a rapport with the reference provider when contacting them. Use (appropriate) humor, smile while you are speaking on the phone (it changes the tone of your voice), and make the reference provider comfortable. 
  • If you're an entrepreneurial or startup company: when checking references for a candidate who is accustomed to working in larger, more structured companies, be sure to probe for fit. Individuals who do well in larger organizations may struggle in a smaller unstructured environment.

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue link below.

Reference Check Questions

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Which HR kit is it included in?

The Reference Check Questions can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Checking References & Hiring Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits.


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