Checking References & Hiring

Equip your Hiring Managers with guides, forms and resources!

Checking References & Hiring

In today's litigious environment, checking references can be tricky. You need explicit permission from candidates, and even then, employers may not be willing to provide references. 

Equip your Hiring Managers with guides, forms and resources so they're well-prepared to conduct reference checks in a manner that's compliant with employment standards and won't put your company at risk.

List of Templates in this Kit

What is the Checking References & Hiring kit?

The HR Toolkit includes 22 ready-to-assemble HR kits. Each kit provides:

  • A mini crash course for this HR topic. Learn more
  • HR processes. Templates in a kit were created as a family of related Microsoft Word & Excel documents that can connect to and reference each other and make sense as a grouping. They can be used to create end-to-end HR processes for your staff,  managers, and HR. Learn more

Each Microsoft template is professionally written and consistently formatted. Fully customizable upon download.

Download 6 HR Templates from this page.

Quick sign up  - just 3 fields.
No credit card required. Promise! 

How to Assemble a Kit


One time Set Up
1. Download your HR file folders
2. Download & Customize Entry Pages


1. Overview of what you're building
2. Prepare what you need
3. Download & customize documents
  • "...An HR resource at your fingertips; take it as it is, or customize it to meet your needs. Just what every business owner needs!"

    Carol Hama | Director, Professional Development & Services, HRMA - British Columbia Human Resources Management Association
  •  "... covers all the bases and really do let us focus on fine-tuning an existing product to meet our needs instead of starting completely from scratch."

    Ed Anderson | President, Dyrand Systems
  • "...Never before have I seen a product that so easily and completely supports the creation of HR practices. Don't reinvent the wheel - buy one of the best wheels invented to take your small business forward..."

    Patti Sheehan | Principal, Puget Sound People Solutions | Seattle, WA
  • "Entirely straightforward!  Our Office Administrator basically took the templates and ran with them in a few days…professionally written using common language, and demonstrates significant and immediate value."

    Kent Toy | Director, Finance & Administration, Antarctica Systems
  • “…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”

    Jorge O. Aviles | Arrow Energy Ltd.
  • "Rather than wasting countless hours reinventing the wheel, a lot of the leg work is done for you. Worth checking out. A real help if you need to get HR best practices in place in a short amount of time."

    Martina Page | Human Resources, ARC’Teryx