recruitment management excel spreadsheet

Applicant Tracking Excel Spreadsheet Template

Easily record, track & rate candidates.

Because you won't remember who's who!

Position Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet

An Excel spreadsheet template with an accompanying instruction document for Hiring Managers to record, track, & rate shortlisted job applicants & candidates as they move through the various stages of the recruiting process.

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** Note, this spreadsheet is used by Hiring Managers to manage candidates for a specific competition or job opening.  For an Excel spreadsheet used by HR to track all applicants who apply to your company, refer to the HR Master Applicant Spreadsheet


This Candidate Spreadsheet (or Position Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet) is used when you need to keep a record of everyone screened or interviewed for a position.  It's used when you need to record information and criteria used to evaluate candidates, apply a rating system to assess individuals by key competency so outcomes are more objective and consistent, and to get higher return on the investment from the time spent on screening and interviewing applicants.

The Applicant Tracking Excel Spreadsheet Template includes the following worksheets (or tabs) that work together to create a manageable easy-to-follow review of job applications and rating process that is contained in one packet of information. The applicant information recorded in the Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet can also be used in the future to mine qualified applicants for future open positions. 

Worksheet Name Description
Applicant List Contains the master list of suitable applications that will be reviewed by the Hiring Manager for a posted position. It can be pre-populated by HR, a Recruiting Administrator, or whoever collects the applications or resumes received in response to a job posting who hyperlinks the name of the candidate to their resume. 
Phone Screens Used to list the candidates invited to participate in a phone screen interview, and summarize information and impressions regarding each candidate following the interview.  
Round 1 Interviews Lists the candidates invited to participate in a Round 1 in-person interview, and is used by the Hiring Manager to summarize information and impressions regarding each applicant following the interview.
Round 2 Interviews: Lists the candidates invited to participate in a Round 2 in-person interview, and is used by the Hiring Manager to summarize information and impressions regarding each applicant following the interview.
Regrets & Future Potential Used as a check and balance to ensure you’ve communicated with all unsuccessful applicants, and identified any unselected candidates who should be considered for future or other position openings.

Why use it?

The Applicant Tracking Excel Spreadsheet Template is used to:

  • Keep a record of every applicant or candidate screened or interviewed for a position.
  • Record information and criteria used to evaluate candidates.
  • Apply a rating system to assess applicants or candidates by key competency so that outcomes are more objective and consistent.
  • Get better return on the investment of time made to screen and interview candidates.  Track and share feedback about applicants who may be well-suited for other positions in your company.

What's the risk of not using it?

If you don't use an applicant tracking system to manage your applicants, your risks include: 

  • If managers don't have a way to record, track and pass on feedback about job applicants they've interviewed, the information and knowledge gained is lost.  It could mean incurring unnecessary recruiting costs for another position.
  • Not being able to defend hiring decisions if they are challenged in court by an unselected candidate.
  • Losing track of what has been communicated to which applicants.
  • Having to rely on Hiring Managers' memory instead of being able to refer to a documented record.  Especially important if the Hiring Manager leaves your company.

Can I preview it?

You bet.  
Click on the blue text link(s) below

Applicant Tracking Excel Spreadsheet  |  Accompanying Intructions for Managers

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Limited Time Bonus.  Get an additional 5 of our most popular HR Templates for free!

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet in Excel can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Tracking Applicants kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Hiring Process Kits.


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Applicant Tracking in Excel



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