Procedures for Recording & Tracking Job Applicants

Procedures for Recording & Tracking Job Applicants

The step-by-step guide for HR & Managers

Process Guide for Staff - Tracking Applicants

This Process Guide for Staff outlines a step-by-step process for stage 2 of the recruiting and hiring process – tracking applicants. It tells staff who's responsible for each step, and provides point-and-click access to other ConnectsUs HR documents used in the process.



This template is used to make sure everyone involved in the process knows who does what, and how to promote consistency in how applicants are tracked and screened.  It will identify good potential candidates before advertising externally and show how effective your recruitment tactics are when you do advertise externally by tracking the number of applicants per posting, applicants who make it through initial screening, and applicants hired from which recruiting sources.  It will also provide you with evidence to support or adjust your methods of attracting top talent. 

How this Process Guide is used

The Process Guide for Staff - Tracking Applicants references all the ConnectsUs documents related to tracking applicants, and gives you the option to link them directly to the guide so your staff can open the documents while reading about them. You don't have to implement all the documents mentioned in this guide. It outlines our recommended process, but in the end it's up to you what you use.  If you decide not to use a document, just remove any references to it when you customize the guide.

Linking to documents right from the guide eliminates questions like:

  • What documents do I need?
  • When am I supposed to use them? 
  • How do I use them?
  • Where do I find them?
  • Do I have the right version?

Why use it

  • Make sure everyone involved in the process knows who does what, and how
  • Promote consistency in how applicants are tracked and screened
  • Identify good potential candidates before advertising externally
  • Know how effective your recruitment tactics are when you do advertise externally by tracking the number of:
    • Applicants per posting
    • Applicants who make it through initial screening 
    • Applicants hired from which recruiting sources
  • Have evidence to support or adjust your methods of attracting top talent

What you risk by not using this document

  • Important steps are missed or done in the wrong order
  • Knowledge gained about applicants from the screening process is lost
  • Screening and tracking decisions is not done in a consistent, defensible manner
  • Your company is exposed to risks associated with non-compliance to employment legislation 

Can I preview & download this HR template?

You bet.  To preview, just click on the blue file names below

Process Guide for Staff  - Tracking Applicants

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Which HR kit is it included in?

This Process Guide for Managers is used with the Tracking Applicants Kit, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Recruiting & Hiring Kits..


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    Coleen Hunter | National Director, Human Resources, PharmaSave
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