tracking applicants spreadsheet template

Master Applicant Spreadsheet

Record, track & mine applicants

HR Master Applicant Spreadsheet

The Master Applicant Spreadsheet is a spreadsheet template for HR that will help your company track all applicants who apply for positions in your company or prospects that you've identified as top talent.

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This Master Applicant Spreadsheet enables you to create and maintain an applicant/candidate tracking ‘database' and gage the effectiveness of your company’s efforts to attract qualified candidates.

Once modified for your company, it'll be used by HR to:

  • Capture a permanent record of the application process
  • Extract applicant information for Hiring Managers for specific open positions
  • Keep a record of strong, already-qualified candidates for future openings
  • Search for suitable candidates for open positions
  • Prompt regular communication with applicants
  • Determine applicant ratios – received vs. phone screened, phone screened vs. interviewed, etc. 
  • Gage the effectiveness of your company’s efforts to attract qualified candidates 

Why use it

Implementing a Master Applicant Spreadsheet and process to track applicants is an important HR fundamental because it helps to manage the sourcing of qualified candidates.  

By using a Master Applicant Spreadsheet and rigorously tracking applicants and prospects, you will:

  • Know if you have potential candidates BEFORE advertising externally
  • Know how effective your recruitment tactics are when you do advertise externally by tracking the number of:
    • Applicants per posting
    • Applicants screened in
    • Applicants hired
  • Be able to determine if you need to adjust efforts to attract top talent
  • Communicate more effectively with applicants

One of the end goals of the Master Applicant Spreadsheet is to be able to access, search, assess and ultimately hire from the pool of talent you’ve already sourced. Using an Excel spreadsheet to mimic an online candidate management solution has the potential to save your company thousands of dollars.

Hiring managers should always consider applicants already in the ‘database’ before they spend money to attract new ones. If you hire one staff member a year from your tracking database, the effort will have paid for itself.

Tracking applicants also gives you a thorough understanding of your talent pool, and the effectiveness of your attraction strategies. You’ll know exactly who is applying and how frequently, and you’ll be able to determine if your recruitment methods are attracting enough suitable applicants to move from ‘applied’ to ‘screened-in’ candidate status.

Your CEO and senior management team typically want to know details about applicants and prospects, especially if you want to justify spending more on attracting quality applicants or changing your hiring strategy.

What you risk by not using it

  • Losing knowledge gained by managers who have already screened or even interviewed candidates
  • Starting from a blank page every time you need to hire someone
  • Lost opportunity to monitor and improve effectiveness of recruiting dollars spent

Can I preview it?

You bet.  
Click on the blue text link(s) below

Master Applicant Spreadsheet  |  Accompanying Instructions for Managers

Download it for FREE!
Limited Time Bonus.  Get an additional 5 of our most popular HR Templates for free!

Which HR kit is it included in?

The HR Master Applicant Spreadsheet can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Tracking Applicants Kit for Managers, which is one of 4 ConnectsUs Hiring Process Kits.


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Master Applicant Spreadsheet


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  • ...Finally!  A straightforward and comprehensive HR toolkit that makes sense for small businesses...
    Dana Murray | President, Prospec | Seattle, WA
  • “…What a great product! I cannot emphasize enough how delighted I am with it…Your work is thorough, detailed, comprehensive, thought provoking, well laid out, easy to work with, professional, and great value. Thank you and compliments on a job very well done.”

    Grant Hodgins, B.Comm | CEO, Hodgins Auctioneers Inc.
  • "...Comprehensive, well-written and creative… provided us with a new perspective on what kind of best practices we should be implementing for existing and new employees... great value with instant return on investment."

    George Reznik | Chief Operating Officer & CFO, Infowave Software
  • "As a fresh start up with big growth plans, ConnectsUs products were the perfect tools for establishing our HR baseline. It's truly invaluable.”

    Bill Tam | CEO, EQO Communications
  • “…We were constantly “reinventing” the wheel when it came to establishing even the most basic administrative policies, procedures and templates (we were constantly “borrowing” examples from our sister organizations).  Your product provides us with virtually everything we were looking for in one nice, neat customizable package.”

    Brenda Taillefer | Executive Assistant, Athabasca Watershed Council
  • “…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”

    Jorge O. Aviles | Arrow Energy Ltd.