Latest HR Articles

company values

...unless of course they drive how you hire, promote, reward & fire.  

More often than not, when staff are asked to recite the mission and company values, the crickets start chirping... 

personal activities in the workplace

I came across this ad while on the Skytrain on my way to the airport.  It depicts an office worker shopping online at their desk - enticed by promotions only available between 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday - also know as workdays for most of us.

exit interview questionnaire

One of your people is leaving.  You want a chance to wish them well, but you also want to conduct an exit interview.  
Determine your questions, than use a simple method to digitize the process for easy collation of data. 

Job Activity Log

We're all mad for self-measurement these days with self-improvement as the end goal. Fit-bits, smart phones, apps.

Find out how you can use the Job Activity Log to improve our productivity and efficiency in the workplace.