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Become a consultant

Do you think being a consultant is sexy? Or boring?

Spoiler alert! You'll be leaning towards sexy by the end of this article.

Small Business Trends 2020

New year - new innovations, new competition, new trends.

Find out what small business trends are emerging in 2020 and how they can help your business stay ahead of the game.

Is Your Engagement Problem really a Hiring Problem?

You may be hiring for the wrong reasons. You'll save yourself from some costly hiring mistakes if you remember to engage the PERSON and not just the EMPLOYEE.

Lifelong Learning: the key to an evolving workplace

Every 5 years, your skills are about ½ as valuable as they were before. 

Some canned goods have a longer shelf life! (I’m picturing myself rummaging through my cupboard throwing out cans, each labelled with a skill I’ve accumulated over the years, half of which are no longer useful to me. The thought hurts a little.)