Latest HR Articles

adding additional staff form

Think about the last time a new position was approved in your small business.  Was a business case created to justify the spend? Get the eye-opener tool your managers need when adding additional staff. And find out why it's like outsourcing housework. 

Set up a department of Human Resources from scratch

What are the must-have HR documents for setting up a department of Human Resources? Find out about the top 9 HR templates for your HR start-up.

common interview questions

Many of us are still using those over-rehearsed common interview questions when meeting with candidates.  YAWN. Make it stop! Introduce a few curve balls into the mix. You'll fast track getting to know your candidate - and stay awake

the truth about HR for small business

So you're a small business and you want to bring HR on board. But like any exercise and diet program, it's easier said than done. Find out the questions you need to ask and answer before implementing HR.