How do I write a good position description in a job ad?

If you take the time to write a good description of the position in your job ad and describe the ideal incumbent, the job posting will stand out from the crowd, and hopefully speak directly to your ideal candidate. The following position description job ad examples may give you some ideas.

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Position Description Example 1 – Payroll & Benefits Administrator

You are an experienced payroll and benefits administrator with strong bookkeeping acumen. You may also have been exposed to, or have an interest in, the accounting or HR side of things. You are familiar with payroll and benefits best practices and are always looking to recommend a 'better and more efficient way' to your manager.  

You are known for your ability to manage multiple priorities and strict deadlines. You are accustomed to administering payroll and benefits independently, but know how and when to ask for help or clarification. You are comfortable communicating when an error has been made and focus on the solution to resolve it.

You are detail-oriented and accurate amid distractions, and while working in a cubicle-style environment. You are positive during sometimes demanding periods and understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality. You’re naturally service-oriented, and have a proven ability to build and maintain relationships with staff and other departments. 

Position Description Example 2 – Property Manager

You have experience running a branch office or franchise with established corporate guidelines and policies. You are good at executing, operations, and ensuring things run smoothly and targets are achieved.  You understand the challenges that come with a property management or similar business environment, and you enjoy tackling them.

You are accustomed to incentive-driven compensation plans and receiving rewards for meeting and exceeding individual and team targets. You have high standards and manage your branch like it was your own.

You are a strong team builder and know what it takes to create a cohesive, effective unit. 

People consider you to be a great manager of people. You easily build relationships, and you are known as a team player who doesn’t think twice about getting your hands dirty and pitching in.  You do what it takes to ensure your team’s work is done and the customer is happy.

You understand the importance of the bottom line.  You have expertise in managing P&L, bookkeeping, and adhering to budgets.

You are proficient with computers, Microsoft® Office®, and learning new applications to their full capacity.

Other resources

  1. How to write a good company descriptor for my job ad
  2. Other tips tips for writing a job ad