How does the latest version of ConnectsUs HR products compare to pre-2016 ConnectsUs?

We have a whole new platfrom - now with multiple products!

The new ConnectsUs HR™ is very different and much more comprehensive.

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Our pre-2016 product came in a zip download and only related to policies included in an employee manual.

Our current products ConnectsUs HR™ for Small Business and Consultants include step by step instructions and templates for setting up all areas of HR, including access to the Employee Handbook Kit that includes 2 templates (basic & comprehensive) for OntarioAlberta and BC.

The bi-annual subscription to our online platform (the Resource Center) also gives you access to: 

  • Download all HR documents and templates
  • Get step-by-step help on how to customize and format every single HR document and template, as well as how to use it with other templates in the same family or topic
  • Lay the foundation for your HR system.  Download a pre-populated hierarchy of HR folders, and customize your HR home and resource pages
  • Assemble HR Kits to create simple, standardized HR processes your managers and staff will actually use
  • Access videos and Word & Excel help created specifically to work with ConnectsUs documents 
  • Documents are updates with legislation changes
  • Product & customer support!
    • Email support relating to creating documents and assembling kits within 3 hours during business hours identified on our website.
    • Phone and/or web conference support available when questions cannot be resolved by email