HR Consulting Services BC, Alberta, Ontario

We specialize in HR consulting services for small business with between 15-75 workers, where most are office or professional staff in BC, Alberta or Ontario.

We've got decades of experience, expertise and ready-made tools to quickly set up your HR fundamentals. That's what we do.

Let's Talk! 
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We provide 2 types of HR consulting services:

Set up your HR

We quickly and cost-effectively set up or enhance your HR function because it's true, a significant percentage of HR essentials is the same from one client to the next. We'll pass those savings on to you using our ready-to-assemble toolkits - resulting in HR at a fraction of the time and cost. 

Once we're done, you, or someone we can hire for you, can manage the function going forward.  Or, you can continue with our services as outlined on the right.    

  • Employee Handbooks
  • Orientation
  • Employment & contractor agreements
  • Recruiting & performance review processes
  • Compensation plans
  • Benefits
  • HR administration
  • Career web pages
  • Employee data
  • Track vacation & other absences

How it works

  1. We meet to determine your HR pain points. (We'll drive!) 
  2. We provide you with a proposal and options.
  3. We sign a contract. 
  4. We build your HR. We implement it and document it.
  5. We provide easy-to-follow instructions to your managers, staff and HR (delegate).
  6. They use their new HR.


  1. We train your staff and/or managers
  2. We hire & train your HR professional; or
  3. We continue providing HR services.

Outsource your HR

Let us handle your HR for you with our on-demand strategic or transactional HR services. 

From planning to execution.  Marketing job openings to hiring. Employee handbooks to employment contracts.

Strategic HR (Consulting)

  • HR strategy/planning
  • Employer differentiation for hiring
  • Organizational development
  • Succession planning
  • Employee Engagement

Transactional HR (Contracting)

  • A-Z Recruiting & Hiring (justifying & marketing new positions, collecting applications, interviewing, reference checking, profiling, extending offers, orientation)
  • Employee relations
  • Employee surveys
  • Job descriptions
  • Salary surveys & job evaluation
  • Performance reviews and improvement
  • Terminations
  • Manager/staff coaching
  • HR Administration

How it works

Fixed Term

We determine a regular schedule for HR services. Example:  
Full day every Monday & Thursday for 3 months. 

Project-based Fixed Fee

We scope out the work, give you a proposal, and we begin! 




HR Consulting - Who we Are

Ariane laird
HR services are led and occasionally  delivered by our principle HR consultant, Ariane Laird, and supported by administrators, HR contractors, and employment lawyers to ensure you get the most cost-effective results.  

Like you, we're resourceful and pragmatic with a high level of business acumen.  We also know how to turn around the skeptics who don't believe HR adds value. (You know who you are!) 

We're bold, direct and happy professionals. We know how to play the role of bad cop or good cop to even out an HR challenge. We believe that HR is a business partner and we know how to balance the needs of staff with those of the business.  

Ariane has over 3 decades of experience having worked with over 50 organizations providing HR services in Canada and the US in various professional industries including: high tech, non-profit,  retail/franchises, manufacturing, and financial/real estate services.  Get Started!

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