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COVID-19 Resources for Small Business

The past few days have seen numerous announcements from governments across Canada. 

We’ve summarized below the key announcements made during this past weekend relating to Federal changes and changes to the 3 provinces we support, namely Ontario, Alberta, and BC touching on issues that may impact the workplace and your business. 

Networking for Introverts

Environments that are loud and crowded like most networking events often make me anxious, awkward and so exhausted that I find myself wishing I could teleport home.

Fellow introverts: can you relate?

No Expectation to Workplace Privacy

Balancing employee privacy rights and an employers right to protect company business interests can make workplace privacy a complicated issue.

Here's how we uncomplicate it...

Coronavirus: Recommendations & Risk Management for Employers

What actions are you taking to ensure a safe work environment for your employees? From legal considerations to prevention, containment and communication, there's a lot for employers to consider.