Ariane Laird

COVID-19. Tackle your HR for Small Business Projects

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, small businesses are especially susceptible to an economic slowdown, but this may be an opportunity to dust off your HR for small business projects. 

Why you must have employees sign employment contract and policies before they start work

​Most employers are unaware of the legal challenges that could occur if an employee doesn't sign their employment agreement and policies before their first day of work. 

Find out how not to be one of them. 

Letting Go of Long Term Office Employees

How do you know when it's time to fire a long time employee? 

The answer is you don't, but discover the 6 signs that may help you shape your decision. 

Independent contractors sign off policy manual

Should you require your independent contractors to sign off on your policies?  For example, harassment, code of conduct, intellectual property, safety?

Sourcing Prospective Employees. A Cost Effective Recruiting Strategy for Small Business

You've just had an epic experience with a customer service representative who effortlessly brings you down from the ceiling. You have a fleeting thought that they would be a great fit for your Customer Service team.  And you hang up the phone.  

This article is about helping you take the ‘fleeting’ out of your thoughts when you come across top talent.

Marie Kondo your electronic HR file folders

Admit it. (No one's listening). You're still using paper HR documents & filing cabinets.

Download the zip file that contains a pre-assembled directory of electronic HR folders and sub-folders to instantly Marie Kondo your documents.  Guaranteed to spark joy. 

consideration to sign off employee agreement before hire

You're excited about launching your new employee handbook. Find out how to get your employees to be just as excited to sign it!

Gender neutral language employee handbook

The language you're using in your employee handbook may inadvertently be preventing a transgender employee from coming forward to communicate their needs – and discomfort. 

consultant first day with client

Your first day with a new client as an HR consultant or HR contractor. You're ready! But even though you're a consummate professional, you still feel like your first day in daycare. Here are a few tips for Day 1.

Amazon Go Lost Jobs

You've likely seen this Amazon Go ad that resembles a futuristic grocery store from the Jetsons

I'm a big fan of increased efficiency as a consumer, but from an HR perspective, how will all these advancements affect retail jobs? Will they become extinct?