Ariane Laird

Front desk training

Finding & keeping the right front desk staff is challenging. Get 6 best practices and 8 free templates created specifically for front desk training, hiring, and managing.

Why your Canadian Employees must sign their Employment Contract before their First Day at Work.

It's critical that your business obtains employee sign off and acceptance of their terms and conditions of employment prior to the employee's first day of work. Here's why and some tips. 

Mechalchuk v. Galaxy Motors

5 take-aways from Mechalchuk v. Galaxy Motors, where a court rules that an employer had a valid reason to fire an employee who claimed an accumulated value of $250 worth of personal meals as business expenses. 

Brittany Pietsch firing

The recent viral TikTok video of Brittany Pietsch, a former account executive at Cloudfare terminated on Zoom by 2 HR professionals has sparked outcry about HR practices.  But it's never that simple. Here's an HR perspective. 

the simplest performance review ever

The holidays are just around the corner, as is performance review season for many organizations. For those who would rather eat a bowl of glass than conduct a review, may I suggest the simplest performance review form - ever.

Consequences of no Sexual Harassment Policy

A recent Human Rights case illustrates the consequences of not having a sexual harassment policy in the workplace. 

Can your employer discipline or fire you for expressing your opinions on the Hamas-Israel conflict

Does a Canadian employer, such as Moxies, have the right to discipline or fire you for your on or off-duty conduct and social media posts related to the current Hamas-Israel conflict?  The answer is, it depends. 

The way we recruit has changed because the current job market is candidate-driven. Let’s take a look at 10 ways to enhance the candidate experience by adopting a customer-centric approach to recruiting.  

employees working longer maybe because of distractions

WFH employees are claiming that they're overworked and the employer has unreasonable work expectations. But is that really always the case?  

At this point, we're all likely familiar with the Waksdale v Swegon North America Inc., 2020 ONCA 391 (Waksdale) case, in which the Ontario Court of Appeal held that termination clauses in employment agreements are read as a whole. But what does that mean for the rest of Canada?