"Just a quick note to say thank you! ConnectsUs HR toolkit is the perfect solution for our needs. The point and click application combined with the rich content of best practices gives us everything we need to create professional results.”
Theresa Partlow | Director, Human Resources, Emeritus Assisted Living | Seattle, WA
"...My partner and I will be forever grateful to ConnectsUs HR toolkits for helping us get our personnel back on track with clear policies and procedures. Getting on board with the product was a piece of cake..."
Sherrita Magalde | Co-Owner, Amigo Travel | Salt Lake City, UT
"... We had a menu of everything we could possibly need to quickly create HR best practices. The toolkit helped me understand what every small business should have in place."
"...Easy to use and cost-effective. ConnectsUs HR toolkits has all the tools I need for developing my HR policies and procedures, and company information."
Matthew Eichhorst | President, Expedia CruiseShipCenters
"...An HR resource at your fingertips; take it as it is, or customize it to meet your needs. Just what every business owner needs!"
Carol Hama | Director, Professional Development & Services, HRMA - British Columbia Human Resources Management Association
"...In a small business, best HR practices are sometimes not implemented due to a lack of resources or HR knowledge. With ConnectsUs products, we were able to implement them quickly and easily."
Chris Breikss | President, 6S Marketing Inc. | New York, New York