Download Free Staff & Telephone Directory Template

Download Free Staff & Telephone Directory Template

Designed to Fast-Track your HR

Staff & Telephone Directory

This document is a template for a company directory listing staff names and contact information, and a link to each staff member's personal profile.

Can I preview it?

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Click on the blue text link(s) below

Staff & Telephone Directory  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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How is the Staff & Telephone Directory used?

This template is used to create a staff directory that lists all staff names and contact information, and a link to each staff member's personal profile. 

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Staff & Telephone Directory can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Staff Directory and Organizational Chart Kit.


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  • ...Finally!  A straightforward and comprehensive HR toolkit that makes sense for small businesses...
    Dana Murray | President, Prospec | Seattle, WA
  • "...Comprehensive, well-written and creative… provided us with a new perspective on what kind of best practices we should be implementing for existing and new employees... great value with instant return on investment."

    George Reznik | Chief Operating Officer & CFO, Infowave Software
  • "...Easy to use and cost-effective.  ConnectsUs HR toolkits has all the tools I need for developing my HR policies and procedures, and company information."

    Matthew Eichhorst | President, Expedia CruiseShipCenters
  • "...In a small business, best HR practices are sometimes not implemented due to a lack of resources or HR knowledge. With ConnectsUs products, we were able to implement them quickly and easily."

    Chris Breikss | President, 6S Marketing Inc. | New York, New York
  • "Rather than wasting countless hours reinventing the wheel, a lot of the leg work is done for you. Worth checking out. A real help if you need to get HR best practices in place in a short amount of time."

    Martina Page | Human Resources, ARC’Teryx
  • “…We were constantly “reinventing” the wheel when it came to establishing even the most basic administrative policies, procedures and templates (we were constantly “borrowing” examples from our sister organizations).  Your product provides us with virtually everything we were looking for in one nice, neat customizable package.”

    Brenda Taillefer | Executive Assistant, Athabasca Watershed Council