Download Free Staff Profile Form

Download Free Staff Profile Form

Designed to Fast-Track your HR

Staff Profile Form

This document is a tool that helps staff in your company learn more about the people they work with and the skills each person has to offer.

Can I preview it?

You bet.  
Click on the blue text link(s) below

Staff Profile Form  |  Accompanying Instructions for Staff

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How is the Staff Profile Form used?

This template will be used to help staff in your company learn more about the people they work with and the skills each person has to offer. 

Which HR kit is it included in?

The Staff Profile Form can be used on its own as a stand-alone tool, or as part of the Staff Directory and Organizational Chart Kit.


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  • "...I wish I had this product years ago! It is an invaluable tool for time and resource-strapped HR departments to quickly turn out quality HR practices and procedures..."

    Coleen Hunter | National Director, Human Resources, PharmaSave
  • "... We had a menu of everything we could possibly need to quickly create HR best practices. The toolkit helped me understand what every small business should have in place."

    Salina Visram Landstad | Partner, Creative Spirits
  • “…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”

    Jorge O. Aviles | Arrow Energy Ltd.
  •  "... covers all the bases and really do let us focus on fine-tuning an existing product to meet our needs instead of starting completely from scratch."

    Ed Anderson | President, Dyrand Systems
  • "...Never before have I seen a product that so easily and completely supports the creation of HR practices. Don't reinvent the wheel - buy one of the best wheels invented to take your small business forward..."

    Patti Sheehan | Principal, Puget Sound People Solutions | Seattle, WA
  • ...Finally!  A straightforward and comprehensive HR toolkit that makes sense for small businesses...
    Dana Murray | President, Prospec | Seattle, WA