HR on Call for Small Business.
Available with HR Complete.

HR on Call for Canadian Small Business

What is HR on Call?

HR on Call is included in HR Complete and provides you with unlimited access to our team of experienced HR consultants who are ready to assist you with HR-related questions​.

Can I purchase it separately?

HR on Call is an exclusive feature of HR Complete and cannot be purchased separately at this time. 

What do I get?

  1. Expert Advice for your Small Business
    Our qualified HR consultants have years of experience in various industries. Whether it’s employee contracts, employee handbooks, employee relations, compliance, performance, recruiting, or policies, we’ve got you covered.

    1. Phone Consultations
      Experiencing an HR issue? Schedule a call and we’ll walk you through the best course of action.

    2. Email Support
      Send us an email, and we’ll respond promptly. No more waiting days for an answer!

  2. HR Toolkit Support
    HR Complete includes a subscription to the HR Toolkit. Sometimes you need support when creating DIY HR, and we're here to help with: 

    1. Phone Consultations
      Schedule a call with one of our advisors. 

    2. Email Support
      Send us an email. We'll respond promptly. 

    3. Web Conference
      Schedule a free 45-min one-on-one web conference meeting to go through any HR Toolkit topic of your choice.  

  3. One Customized HR Document
    Can't seem to get that HR document over the finish line? We'll do it for you!  (Some restrictions apply. Refer to FAQ's below for details)

  4. Discounted HR Services
    Need additional support? As an HR on Call subscriber, get 10% off retail fees for HR services

Why do I need it?   

  • Peace of Mind. There's no more second-guessing HR decisions. Get reliable answers from professionals while you focus on what you do best.

  • Cost-Effective: Hiring an HR expert can be expensive. HR on Call is a budget-friendly short or long term alternative.

  • Talk to Someone: Get an HR coach or someone to talk through your confidential situation with.

HR on Call FAQ's

​Ready to get started?

Sign up for “HR Complete” today and experience the convenience of having an HR expert just a call or email away!

ONLY $167/mo paid bi-annually.

$999/6 mos

  • “…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”

    Jorge O. Aviles | Arrow Energy Ltd.
  • "...In a small business, best HR practices are sometimes not implemented due to a lack of resources or HR knowledge. With ConnectsUs products, we were able to implement them quickly and easily."

    Chris Breikss | President, 6S Marketing Inc. | New York, New York
  • "...An HR resource at your fingertips; take it as it is, or customize it to meet your needs. Just what every business owner needs!"

    Carol Hama | Director, Professional Development & Services, HRMA - British Columbia Human Resources Management Association
  • "...Easy to use and cost-effective.  ConnectsUs HR toolkits has all the tools I need for developing my HR policies and procedures, and company information."

    Matthew Eichhorst | President, Expedia CruiseShipCenters
  • “I love your products. You have done a truly fabulous job with your toolkits. I’ve just spent 3 hours customizing your toolkit for one of my clients, and what I’ve done already would have any senior management team ecstatic. Talk about return on investment!”

    Deborah Nicols | Principal HR Consultant, Nicols & Dymes Consulting Inc.
  • "... We had a menu of everything we could possibly need to quickly create HR best practices. The toolkit helped me understand what every small business should have in place."

    Salina Visram Landstad | Partner, Creative Spirits