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COVID-19 Resources for Small Business

In a major boost to small and medium-sized businesses, the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced today the that the federal government will cover 75% of wages for qualifying businesses, backdated to March 15.  

COVID-19 Resources for Small Business

The Federal Government is providing assistance to small businesses, along with updated economic measures to help stabilize the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Ontario, BC, and Alberta continue to implement and enforce measures to combat the COVID-19 outbreak. 

COVID-19 Resources for Small Business

The Federal Government and provinces of Ontario and Alberta respond to COVID-19 today, presenting updates and announcements on business issues being affected by the outbreak. 

COVID-19 Resources for Small Business

Canadian provinces are quickly picking up speed in response to the fast-changing COVID-19 situation.

Yesterday, new acts were announced that came into effect as of today, March 24, 2020 for Ontario and British Columbia.