Work from Home

In a recent article, Robert Smithson addresses the employers' need to accommodate employees' desires to work from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Smithson provides his perspective on the new reality of working from home, stressing the importance of policies and vigilance on the part of the employer. 

employees working longer maybe because of distractions

WFH employees are claiming that they're overworked and the employer has unreasonable work expectations. But is that really always the case?  

These remote workers admit to slacking off

Turns out that your remote workers are distracted during the day.  So what?

Find out why distraction may not matter if you do these 2 things.   

From the good, the bad, and the not so pretty, to the solutions and tips I’ve learned along the way, this is my honest experience of working remotely.

Q:  If you could go back in time, would you still choose to run ConnectsUs as a virtual workforce?

Download free Teleworking Policy and Agreement

“We had a guy who was supposed to be working from home but Facebooked pictures of himself enjoying lunch at a strip club.”

Are you Cut out to Work from Home?

You roll out of bed, commute to the next room, and spend the day completing a report in your pajamas. Sounds like the dream, right? Well, that depends.