All-Hands Meetings

Making time for face-to-face communication is critical to our success. Bluers get together every 2 months to get us all on the same page. 

What to Expect

  • Time:  10:00 AM until noon as per the schedule outlined below.
  • Attendance is mandatory. 
  • Snacks and refreshments are provided. 
  • You are encouraged to ask questions that can be submitted before the all-hands meeting here

The following is a rough outline of what you can expect at these meetings:

First Hour: 

  • Business/financial update
  • People and people programs update
  • Questions and answers
  • New employee welcome

Second Hour:

  • Departmental Host Presentation

Departmental Host Presentation

We believe that communication comes from within each team, and we ask each department to take a turn organizing, hosting, and making a presentation at the all-hands meeting to showcase their team, projects, and creativity.

All-hands and Department Host Presentation Schedule

This year's All Hands schedule is as follows: 


Department Host Presentation

Feb 12 Manufacturing Team
Apri17 Sales Team
Jun 14 IT Team
Aug 17 Research Team
Oct 12 Finance Team
Dec 15 Marketing Team

Submit your Feedback or Question
** Kindly read the Rule Book prior to submission