Ariane Laird

Ariane Laird

LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile

Why I started ConnectsUs HR

After years in HR consulting, I saw a gap—small businesses were struggling with HR because they lacked simple, effective tools. So, I built a team of HR pros, writers, trainers, and employment lawyers to create HR toolkits tailored for small businesses. They worked. Clients loved them. "Instant ROI." "Indispensable." "No-brainer."

Then HR consultants wanted in—so we built solutions for them too.

What I do @ ConnectsUs HR

Founder. CEO. Product Manager. HR Consultant. Jack of all trades.

Remote work? We were there before it was a thing.

We've been remote since 2006—long before it became mainstream. Why?

  • Productivity > office distractions.
  • No commute. No suits. More family time.
  • Lower environmental impact.

My Background: A Rebel with a Cause

I was that kid—politely challenging the nuns in grade school and spending quality time in the Principal’s office. (Sorry, Mom.) I questioned everything, which later translated into challenging the status quo.

I started my career as the classic mailroom-to-boardroom story. Thanks to some incredible mentors, I moved through Admin, Finance, and into HR, taking on projects no one else wanted (hello, Employment Equity audits). Turns out, I loved fixing messy HR problems and making things better, faster.

I've worked with nearly 60 companies, from small startups to big names like Avon, Amcor, and Glenayre Electronics. I co-founded the HR Tech Group and partnered with BC Social Venture Partners

Through it all, I saw small businesses struggle with HR, not because they didn’t care—but because HR was a tangled mess. So I built ConnectsUs HR. What started as print-and-ship HR manuals, now lives in the cloud-helping thousands of businesses and consultants with HR.

Beyond HR

When I’m not working, you’ll find me:

  • Salsa dancing
  • Meditating
  • Learning new languages
  • Mountain biking & hiking
  • Spending time with my family and favorite people.