how to evaluate open positions
Every Open Position or Job Vacancy Is an opportunity to re-invent it.

Re-evaluate every open position

Re-evaluating every open position or job vacancy means an opportunity to re-invent it.  

Why re-evaluate every open position?

It’s typically easier for managers to manage their direct reports when they are categorized along with the majority of the workforce. Policies and legislation are usually set for regular employees, and it can be more complicated to modify the position for part-time, temporary, or contract staff.

Often, companies automatically assume that the status of a new position should be full-time, regular employment. However, once the position requirements are fully scrutinized, they often discover the status can be term or part-time.

Re-evaluate a position every time one becomes vacant:

  • To determine if the position’s status needs to change going forward. Many factors can alter the hours and/or skills required to perform the position’s duties. These include:
    • using or upgrading technology
    • eliminating waste
    • re-structuring
    • delegating tasks to another staff member
    • hiring staff with more relevant current skills
    • eliminating irrelevant tasks.
  • To determine the skill level and experience required for maximum efficiency in the role. Will your company be better served by hiring at a junior or more senior level?
  • To delete obsolete or irrelevant responsibilities and add new responsibilities that will enhance the output and value of the position.
  • To add additional skills that enhance performance in the position, such as computer skills that may increase automation and efficiencies and so reduce the number of hours required to perform the duties.
  • It can save you money. For maximum cost-efficiency, be certain of the position status required for business needs before you proceed. You may save your company considerable expense by planning properly up front.

Think outside the box

  • Just because you need an individual at your workplace every day, doesn’t mean the position status has to be full-time. For example, you may need the person every day, but only for four hours. Clerical or administrative positions may often be successfully filled by part-time staff, particularly if the skills required are not specialized and the learning curve is not too long. 
  • You may experience challenges with the receptionist role, particularly in ensuring coverage for lunch and breaks, sick days, unexpected absences, and vacation time. Consider hiring two part-time people  – one to work mornings and one for afternoons. Both would be responsible for scheduling and ensuring full, daily coverage of the role, and a trained back-up would always be available to cover absences. This would eliminate time-consuming scheduling (and often mediation!) associated with appointing or rotating internal staff to cover the reception desk. 
  • In today’s work climate, part-time work can be an attractive option to some people. Don’t assume part-time work is seen as an inferior option by all potential applicants.
  • Consider the option of the individual working remotely from their home, if feasible. You may provide them with access to your servers via remote desktop, for example. This will save employee overhead costs such as furniture, floor space, etc. Working remotely is also an attractive option for some people, primarily because it eliminates the challenges associated with commuting.

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