“…I finished my first draft of the whole manual yesterday; after only 3 weeks of having your product. It would have taken me months to do the same thing by myself. THANKS A LOT FOR A WONDERFUL TOOL!...”
Employee Handbook Tone & Language
Your employee handbook language and tone needs to reflect your company culture. Are you:
- Formal: e.g., "Individuals shall not partake in unapproved use of non-legal substances or intoxicating beverages while on company premises, unless the CEO approves a special event where alcohol may be consumed."
- Business casual: e.g., "We don't drink alcohol or take illegal drugs in the workplace, unless alcohol is served at a Company-sponsored special event."
- Casual: e.g., "You'll lose your job if you drink or do drugs at work, unless the CEO does it first."
At ConnectsUs, we're business casual, and all our templates are written that way—plain language, direct and clear.