Issued Laptops, Computers & Company Materials Example Policy Template

Issued Company Laptops, Computers & Company Materials Policy Template

New! HR Toolkit now includes a policy for Company Laptops & Materials

All employee handbooks/manuals now include a pre-written example of an Issued Company Laptops, Computers & Company Materials Policy template that communicates the terms and responsibilities for employee's provided with company materials.

HR Toolkit Customers

Log in and locate the Company Laptops & Materials Policy:

  • In the Conduct section within Staff Policies towards the end of the employee handbook/manual documents.  Refer to the table of contents or search "Issued Company Laptops" in the document. 
  • You can find the employee manuals here.  

Why Implement an Issued Company Materials Policy?

It's quite common for employers to provide their employees with company laptops, computers or other company materials. While providing employees with laptops and other devices can be expensive, it pays off in numerous ways relating to regulation, employee satisfaction, security, and even taxes.  

With company issued devices, you know what programs are on the computer, IT controls which applications can be installed, updates and patches are handled on time, antivirus and malware is on the computer, and employees have rules about device usage that you couldn’t apply if they used their own. This will greatly increase Information Security and may prevent data leaks, malware, or hacks.

While your business type, industry, and number of employees will affect whether or not it’s a good idea to supply employees with laptops or other company materials, the following reasons impact most businesses: 

  • Security
  • Reliable equipment
  • Simplify IT
  • Control over computers
  • Employee perks

What's included in the Issued Company Materials Policy

In order to implement an effective company materials policy for your business, there are several important elements to consider.

The Issued Company Laptops, Computers & Company Materials Policy includes the following conduct expectations for employees to adhere to:

1.  Employee sign off
Always document when an employee receives any company materials. Have your employees sign off as having received the materials and include the make, model and serial number of the company materials being provided to them. It's also important to clarify that no other person other than the employee who signs off on the company issued materials may use them. 

2.  Business vs personal use
Company materials must be used exclusively to conduct company business and may not be used for employee personal use.

3.  IT configuration
Have your IT department configure company issued laptops or computers with standard operating systems and software. Make it clear that employees may not download additional software onto the devices. 

4.  Termination of employment
Upon termination of the employee's engagement, or at the employer's request at any given time, the employee must immediately return company materials. 

5.  Condition of returned materials
It is the employee's responsibility to make sure that company materials are returned in the same condition as when they acquired them. 

6.  Damaged, lost or stolen company materials
Outline the procedures for an employee to follow should their issued company materials become damaged, lost or stolen. Indicate who the employee should report this information to and when. The policy template includes details of contacting appropriate authorities, including police, to investigate possible theft, vandalism or disappearances of company materials. 

7.  Travelling with company materials
Employees must handle company materials with care and consideration, especially when travelling on behalf of the company. Let employees know what's expected of them when travelling with company materials, for example: do not pack company laptops in checked luggage and attach appropriate identification to company materials. 

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