May 2024 Workplace HR Recap & News - May 31, 2024

What's new in Canadian HR news, legislated updates and case law for May 2024?

We've got you covered. 

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May 2024 Employment Legislated Updates

  • Feds. CGIB slams Bill C-58 green light that bans replacement workers during strike or lockout.
  • Ontario proposes Increased ESA fines & additional employer obligations for recruitment process.
  • Feds. Effective Sept 09/24, public servants required to work in-office 3 days a week.

May 2024 HR News

  • Use of AI could help move workers to 4-day work week.
  • Canadian mental health claims surged nearly 70% percent; Claims by women easily surpass those of men.
  • Report: 44% of Gen Z & Millennials find calls & meetings unproductive compared to instant messaging & email.
  • Ontario hospitality workers offered free mental health counselling.
  • April 2024 Canadian unemployment rate holds steady at 6.1%.
  • Quebec gets first Amazon union in Canada.
  • Alberta lawyer resigns after referring to women as “People with Vaginas”.
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Officer sentenced to 5 years jail time for fraud.

May 2024 Case Law RoundUp

  • Ontario Court of Appeal upholds $50k aggravated damages award for manner of dismissal leading to mental stress.
  • BC Supreme Court upholds healthcare workers Covid-19 vaccine mandate - continues to be in effect today.
  • Ontario Supreme court rules 'No just cause dismissal despite serious breach of conduct by bank employee.”

Featured HR Article

Deepfake Take-aways for HR

What HR can learn following Dazhon Darien’s deepfake recording of school principal Eric Eiswert’s voice to spread racist comments.



Ariane Laird Vancouver

Melina Laird is Operations Coordinator for ConnectsUs HR, a company that provides tools & resources to quickly set up a Human Resources department.  

You can contact her here.