June 2024 Workplace Recap & HR News - July 02, 2024

What's new in Canadian HR news, legislated updates and case law for June 2024?

We've got you covered. 

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June 2024 Employment Legislated Updates

  • Feds. Federal government seeks input from employers on the current state of the EEA, and ways to improve it.
  • BC. Releases pay transparency reporting tool.
  • Ontario. Reminder effective Jul 01: Temp help agencies & recruiters required to hold a license to operate.

June 2024 HR News

  • May 2024 unemployment rate rose one tenth from April to 6.2%.
  • Canadian business optimism wanes amid economic challenges.
  • Non-profit worker stole $240,000 earmarked to help at-risk women and girls.
  • 5 Canadian cities among world's most expensive for employees.
  • Firefighter suicide recognized as workplace injury.
  • 62% of missed workdays attributed to poor mental health, average 12 days lost per employee/yr.
  • 'Spy' robot prowls federal offices.

June 2024 Case Law RoundUp

  • Ontario. $50k award for manner of termination, upheld despite mental distress evidence only provided by family members.
  • Federal. Arbitrator: Canada Post found unreasonable in suspending unvaccinated remote workers.
  • BC. Worker terminated after 2.5 years receives 12 month’s notice.
  • Ontario. Student violence forms basis for a teacher’s lawful work refusal.
  • Federal. Air Canada wins right to test flight attendant's hair for pot use.

Featured HR Article

How to navigate return to office mandates.

Companies are eager to get employees back in the office but employees have shown considerable resistance. How to navigate? 



Ariane Laird Vancouver

Melina Laird is Operations Coordinator for ConnectsUs HR, a company that provides tools & resources to quickly set up a Human Resources department.  

You can contact her here.