Up your HR Game

Front desk training

Finding & keeping the right front desk staff is challenging. Get 6 best practices and 8 free templates created specifically for front desk training, hiring, and managing.

Curiosity in the Workplace

Maybe I’m biased, but if I was running a business, my first hire would be my brother Daniel. It doesn’t matter what the project, mission, or goal is, I want him on my team. And trust me, so do you. He is simply the best type of person and employee. Why?

Marie Kondo your electronic HR file folders

Admit it. (No one's listening). You're still using paper HR documents & filing cabinets.

Download the zip file that contains a pre-assembled directory of electronic HR folders and sub-folders to instantly Marie Kondo your documents.  Guaranteed to spark joy. 

consideration to sign off employee agreement before hire

You're excited about launching your new employee handbook. Find out how to get your employees to be just as excited to sign it!

Gender neutral language employee handbook

The language you're using in your employee handbook may inadvertently be preventing a transgender employee from coming forward to communicate their needs – and discomfort. 

Amazon Go Lost Jobs

You've likely seen this Amazon Go ad that resembles a futuristic grocery store from the Jetsons

I'm a big fan of increased efficiency as a consumer, but from an HR perspective, how will all these advancements affect retail jobs? Will they become extinct? 

company values

...unless of course they drive how you hire, promote, reward & fire.  

More often than not, when staff are asked to recite the mission and company values, the crickets start chirping... 

the truth about HR for small business

So you're a small business and you want to bring HR on board. But like any exercise and diet program, it's easier said than done. Find out the questions you need to ask and answer before implementing HR.