HR Toolkit Help

What you Get

The HR Toolkit
Created as a DYI subscription to an online instructional portal inherently loaded with step-by-step instructions, including: 

  • HR Toolkit features
  • Step by-step help page for each and every template
  • FAQ's
  • Help for Word & Excel documents

Email & Phone Support

Email and phone support is available for the following:

  • Inquiries related to your account
  • Navigating or finding topics in the HR Toolkit
  • Help with formatting documents. 

HR support or advice is not included.

Pricing of the HR Toolkit was set to be affordable to HR Consultant as a elf-serve instructional portal. Unfortunately, inclusion of HR or legal consulting services would not be feasible. We would be happy to talk to you about HR consulting services.

Contact us here

  • “…What a great product! I cannot emphasize enough how delighted I am with it…Your work is thorough, detailed, comprehensive, thought provoking, well laid out, easy to work with, professional, and great value. Thank you and compliments on a job very well done.”

    Grant Hodgins, B.Comm | CEO, Hodgins Auctioneers Inc.
  • "...Never before have I seen a product that so easily and completely supports the creation of HR practices. Don't reinvent the wheel - buy one of the best wheels invented to take your small business forward..."

    Patti Sheehan | Principal, Puget Sound People Solutions | Seattle, WA
  • "...Comprehensive, well-written and creative… provided us with a new perspective on what kind of best practices we should be implementing for existing and new employees... great value with instant return on investment."

    George Reznik | Chief Operating Officer & CFO, Infowave Software
  • "Entirely straightforward!  Our Office Administrator basically took the templates and ran with them in a few days…professionally written using common language, and demonstrates significant and immediate value."

    Kent Toy | Director, Finance & Administration, Antarctica Systems
  • "...Easy to use and cost-effective.  ConnectsUs HR toolkits has all the tools I need for developing my HR policies and procedures, and company information."

    Matthew Eichhorst | President, Expedia CruiseShipCenters
  • "...In a small business, best HR practices are sometimes not implemented due to a lack of resources or HR knowledge. With ConnectsUs products, we were able to implement them quickly and easily."

    Chris Breikss | President, 6S Marketing Inc. | New York, New York