HR Folders
What you get:
Download a zip file that includes 60 pre-assembled HR folders and sub-folders you can use to instantly set up your digital HR filing system.
Set up instructions and recommended best practices.
Why use this folder system?
You don’t have to use the HR Toolkit folder structure, but here are 4 reasons why you might want to:
Do it right the first time: We’ve put a lot of thought and planning into these simple, yet effective folder structures. If you don’t use this folder structure, you’ll probably run into some of the same problems we did when we were designing the system, and end up having to re-do work.
Set the right access permissions: Some of the HR Toolkit templates you customize will be accessed by your managers and staff, others will be for HR and contain sensitive content. Our folder structure includes recommended access permissions.
Don't re-invent the wheel: We’ve had 30+ years of experience setting up HR systems – first for our employers, and then for our clients. We’ve figured out what works best for us and we're happy to share it with you.