Legislation Updates 2023

Keep up to date with  employment legislated updates for Ontario, Alberta and BC.  Note: 

  • Legislation updates are provided for updates that affect all employers. For example, if you're in the farming industry, you won't receive updates specific for that industry. 
  • Not all legislated updates results in changes to templates. To view product changes that resulted in template changes, click here.
  • For Archived Legislation Updates prior to 2023, click here


FEDS.  Dec 22, 2023 
Updated CRA 2024 TD1 Forms

FEDS.  Dec 21, 2023 
CRA Updates forms for home office expenses.

BC.  Nov 30, 2023 
Bill 41: Remaining 4 out of 7 Amendments to the Workers Compensation Act

FEDS. Nov 27, 2023 
2024 Updated EI and CPP Rates - New! CPP Enhancement

BC.  Nov 17, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Significant changes proposed to increase fairness for gig workers

FEDS.  Nov 16, 2023 
New CRA requirement for 2023 taxation year: Employers must report when employees are eligible to access dental insurance

FEDS.  Nov 15, 2023 
National dental-care benefit is now law. 

ONTARIO.  Nov 09, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Feds to introduce legislation to ban scab workers

ONTARIO.  Nov 09, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Ontario To Ban Requirements for Canadian Work Experience in Job Postings

ONTARIO.  Nov 08, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Ontario to “super index” increases to Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits above the annual rate of inflation.

ONTARIO.  Nov 08, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Ontario to consider new job-protected leave for workers facing critical illnesses like cancer

ONTARIO.  Nov 07 2023
Ontario announces return of COVID masking requirements in LTC homes effective Nov. 07

ONTARIO.  Reminder.
Employers must file AODA reports outlining written policies, multi-year plans, training efforts and online accessibility by Dec 31.

ONTARIO.  Nov 06, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Ontario to consult on banning NDAs in cases of workplace harassment, misconduct

ONTARIO.  Nov 06, 2023 -Proposed Legislation 
Employers required to Disclose Salary Ranges and AI Use in Hiring

ALBERTA. Nov 01, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
Bill 5 - Govt will use a new model to streamline non-union public sector compensation

B.C. Effective Nov 01, 2023.   B.C.’s Pay Transparency Act
Employers required to include transparent wage  information on publicly advertised jobs, refrain from asking for pay history, or punish employees who disclose their pay to co-workers or potential job applicants. 

FEDS. Oct 26, 2023
Feds announce changes to Temporary Foreign Workers Program. Review of Wages. Labour Market Impact Review. 

B.C.  Oct 23, 2023 - Proposed Legislation
B.C. introducing legislation around credential recognition

ONTARIO. Effective Jan 01, 2024
New rules around Temporary Agencies and Recruiters

ONTARIO. Effective July 01, 2023.
Bill 26 is in effect for post-secondary institutions sexual misconduct towards a student

FEDS. June 27, 2023
Firefighter cancer Bill C-224 has passed

Canada has given royal assent to legislation that will raise awareness about cancers linked to firefighting and best practices to prevent these cancers.

Under Bill C-224 – An Act to establish a national framework for the prevention and treatment of cancers linked to firefighting – Health Canada will develop a national framework that raises awareness of cancers linked to firefighting and that supports improved access for firefighters to cancer prevention and treatment.

The legislation allows Health Canada to:

  • support research on the link between certain types of cancer and firefighting
  • make recommendations regarding regular screenings for cancers linked to firefighting
  • promote research and improve data collection on the prevention and treatment of these cancers.

June 27, 2023 - CANADA
Minister Fraser launches Canada’s first-ever Tech Talent Strategy

Jun 23, 2023 - CANADA
Canada Disability Benefit legislation receives royal assent

Bill C-22, also known as Canada Disability Benefit Act, received royal assent after it passed unanimously in the House of Commons and passed in the Senate.

The legislation allows the federal government to create the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB), which will supplement existing federal and provincial/territorial disability supports, according to the government.

Jun 15, 2023 - CANADA
Ottawa introduces Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act

The Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act, which will create a Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council to provide the government with independent advice on the most effective measures to encourage sustainable job creation. The council will also provide advice to support workers and communities in the economy they are building for the future.

Ottawa will also publish a Sustainable Jobs Action Plan every five years, beginning in 2025, to put in place measures to invest in the net-zero emissions economy and skills of the future. It will also establish a Sustainable Jobs Secretariat to enable policy and program coherence across federal entities on the government’s sustainable jobs approach, and to support the Partnership Council.

Jun 09, 2023 - BC
Effective Jan/2024, Worksafe BC: employer and injured worker required to cooperate to return to pre-injury job

“The duty-to-co-operate provisions will assist WorkSafeBC with overseeing the return-to-work process by laying out clear expectations, for both the employer and the worker, that they need to work together to get the injured worker back on the job in a safe and timely way,” says the province’s ministry of labour.

“As well, employers must, to the point of undue hardship, make any changes to the work or workplace necessary to accommodate the worker. The new requirements support a more effective and fair workers’ compensation system in the province.”

Jun 01, 2023 - ONTARIO
Naloxone kits now required in Ontario workplaces

Effective June 1, 2023, companies must make a naloxone kit available where there is a risk of a worker experiencing an overdose from fentanyl, oxycodone or other opioids at the workplace.

Ontario’s Workplace Naloxone Program is the first of its kind in North America and provides at-risk employers with access to free training for up to two workers and one nasal spray naloxone kit for each eligible workplace, according to the government. 



Jun 01, 2023 - BC
Competition Bureau publishes wage-fixing and no-poaching enforcement guidelines

Effective June 23, wage-fixing and no-poaching agreements will be illegal. 

With the 2022 amendments to the conspiracy provision (section 45) of the Competition Act, it will be a criminal offense for employers to agree:

  • to fix, maintain, decrease or control wages or other terms of employment
  • to refrain from hiring or trying to hire one another's employees.



May 11, 2023 - BC
Employers can no longer ask job applicants about historical wages or implement punitive action for an employee revealing their pay to others

Effective immediately, employers in B.C. can no longer ask job applicants about what they have been paid at positions with other employers. Employers may still:

  • Use the pay history information they already have about that employee to determine the pay for a new position
  • Rely on publicly accessible information on the pay for similar positions

Also effective immediately, employers in B.C. cannot dismiss, suspend, demote, discipline or harass an employee who:

  • Asks their employer about their pay
  • Reveals their pay to another employee or someone applying to work with their employer
  • Asks the employer about its pay transparency report
  • Gives information to the Director of Pay Transparency about their employer



Apr 18, 2023 - CANADA
Senate gives final approval to new law that will give pension plans priority in corporate bankruptcies

A federal bill that will make pension plan members the highest priority in company bankruptcies when plan funding falls short has been passed by the Senate, after years of failed attempts at similar bills.

The bill will change bankruptcy and insolvency law to give pensioners super priority for unfunded liabilities in private-sector defined-benefit company pension plans. By putting pension liabilities ahead of secured and unsecured creditors, plan members will have a better chance of being made whole – or at least receiving almost full value for the pensions they have earned – in an insolvency.



Apr 7, 2023 - BC
Effective June 1, 2023, minimum wage will rise from $15.65 to $16.75/hr. 



Apr 1, 2023 - BC
B.C.'s new remote work policy takes effect 

British Columbia recently adopted a new remote work policy aimed at recruiting and retaining workers.

Effective April 1, the provincial government is allowing public service employees to work from home when possible. The government is also opening government jobs to qualified candidates, wherever they may reside in the province.



Mar 31, 2023 - ONTARIO
Ontario Increasing Minimum Wage to $16.55 an Hour effective October 1. 



Mar 31, 2023 - ONTARIO
Ontario announces end to sick leave program

Mar 15, 2023 - ONTARIO
Ontario plans to require women-only bathrooms on construction sites

Mar 14, 2023 - ONTARIO
Ontario seeks to give Remote Workers Mass Layoff Protection

Mar 13, 2023 - BC
End to mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy for Govt Workers

Mar 09, 2023 - ONTARIO
Tik Tok banned from Govt Devices

Mar 07, 2023 - BC
New legislation for pay transparency in job ads

Feb 27, 2023 - FEDERAL
Feds Ban Tic Tok

Feb 08, 2023 - FEDERAL
CRA changes could Impact 2022 T4’s

Feb 03, 2023 - BC
BC to Mark Truth & Reconciliation as a Stat Holiday

Jan 31, 2023 - FEDERAL
Canada ratifies first global treaty to end violence, harassment at work

Jan 09, 2023 - ALBERTA
Changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Code, Effective Spring 2023

Jan 01, 2023 - ONTARIO
Business & IT Consultants excluded from Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA)