Can you tell me more about HR questions? What I can ask, how often, legal requirements, time allocated?

How often can I ask a question?

As often as you like. It's unlimited!

What kind of questions can I ask?

You can ask us anything related to HR best practices. For example:

  • legislation

  • absences

  • employee conflicts

  • terminations

  • policies

  • contracts

  • recruiting

  • job descriptions

  • performance management

  • coaching

  • HR administration

  • disability management

What kind of questions are not supported? 

At this time, we don’t support the following specialized HR areas:

  • OHS (Safety)

  • Payroll

  • Unionized environments

We slot 15 minutes per Q&A and won’t be able to dig deep into an HR issue that requires detailed review of a situation such as reviewing a contract or other documents.

What about legal questions?

You are welcome to ask us questions that tread into legal waters, as most HR questions will invariably include a legal component. We will answer as experienced HR practitioners, but will advise you when you need to seek legal advice.

Example Questions

  • Employee A is claiming that they are being bullied by Employee B. Upon investigation, Employee B discloses that they require neurodiversity accomodation because their condition and diagnosis means they do not process typical social cues appropriately. 
  • Employee A is posting very inappropriate and rasist comments on social meeting when off duty.  Can i discipline that employee? 
  • Employee A has asked several times to continue to work from home after our return to work initiative came into effect after the pandemic. They say that they suffer from anxiety and depression and cannot drive to work. They put forth a formal request to work from home tp accomodate his disability.  What do I do? 
  • Employee A has 4 weeks of vacation per year based on our augmented vacation policy. After 10 years of employment, the employee resigns and claims they have 10 weeks of unused vacation over the years. Are they entitled to be paid their claimed unused portion?